Hearing Loss Overview
Hearing Loss Overview
The outer ear consists of the pinna and external ear canal. These structures gather sound and direct it towards the ear drum. The middle ear consists of the ear drum and three very small bones – the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. These structures act as a transformer, converting air vibrations in the external canal, to mechanical vibration in the middle ear. The inner ear contains thousands of microscopic nerve endings bathed in fluid. These nerve endings transform the hydraulic energy into electrical impulses that travel along the auditory nerve into the brain where sound is interpreted and given meaning.
Types Of Hearing Loss

North Coast Audiology is many things to many people but at its core it reaches out to the community. We believe that our work is an integral part of a viable Humboldt County. We believe strongly in the 70 year history of Audiology, and that the field as a whole must be protected and refined by serious students and careful practitioners. What this all means for you is an Audiology practice that was started over 40 years ago on the principles of service continues towards that goal today.