Hearing Aids
Your Hearing Aid Options
There are many hearing aid manufacturers in the world. We have the ability to work with most all of them. Over the years we have learned which companies consistently produce high quality instruments and have great customer service.
Hearing Aid Styles
There are many styles of hearing aids. The degree of the hearing loss, power and options requirements, manual dexterity abilities, cost, and cosmetic concerns are some of the factors that will determine the style the patient will use. The most common styles are listed below.
There are many hearing aid manufacturers in the world. We have the ability to work with most all of them. Over the years we have learned which companies consistently produce high quality instruments and have great customer service.

Open Fit BTE

Open Fit Behind-the-Ear



Digital Hearing Aid Features
These levels of digital technologies are currently available to help with hearing loss: We provide 3 levels of hearing aids for our patients and further discussion about what is best for you can be addressed during a consultation appointment.
In general, hearing aids are available for mild to profound hearing losses and are controlled by a sophisticated computer memory chip and a digital amplifier. Hearing aids incorporate many special features including directional microphones, multiple memories, and compatibility with telephones. They are especially well suited for patients with a reduced tolerance for background noise. They are available with or without a manual volume controls for those patients who do not want to adjust their aid throughout the day. Hearing aids use multiple channel processing to help patients hear across the widest range of listening environments with a minimum amount of user adjustment. All levels of hearing aids are now available to be used with remote controls or Bluetooth® capability.
More advanced and higher priced hearing aids do not always provide better results. Individual results will depend on the cause, type, severity, and the duration of the hearing loss. All patients who are considering hearing aids must have realistic expectations and a positive attitude to be successful. Even the most advanced hearing aids do not restore normal hearing nor do they eliminate background noise.

North Coast Audiology is many things to many people but at its core it reaches out to the community. We believe that our work is an integral part of a viable Humboldt County. We believe strongly in the 70 year history of Audiology, and that the field as a whole must be protected and refined by serious students and careful practitioners. What this all means for you is an Audiology practice that was started over 40 years ago on the principles of service continues towards that goal today.